zen quaker

A self quanitified zen quaker statistical programmer stumbles through a blog

Month: April, 2012

Explanation S

Okay, I’m backing off from my statement that I am quitting Chess. Sort of. When I quit working on my Chess game, I was very relieved. But as I looked around I realized there were still some cleaning up to do. I’m in the middle of a fair bit of correspondence Chess: four tournaments, a pyramid, and a few assorted games. I also have some very nice Chess books I got for this latest foray into Chess, some of which have interesting information I have yet to peruse. Not to mention my numerous Chess sets, like my really cool MoMA set, and the Isle of Lewis replica set my brother got me for Christmas. What to do with all of that?

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Method O

It’s new habit time again, and this month’s habit is going to be collecting data on my moods. Remember, I’m alternating data collection habits with other habits for the rest of the year, so that I can be full on self quantifying by 2013. So how do you quantify moods, which are inherently subjective?

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Analysis OOOO

My first month of quantified self data collection is finished. This was data collected on my first month of getting my exercise habit back in gear. My exercise regime has been pushups, modified crunches, and bicycle riding. I took data on all three, plus my weight and my pulse before and after exercise.

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Fumble OS

I’m giving up on Chess.

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Movie Review DDDS

The Adventures of Tintin

Intrepid reporter Tintin buys a model ship for a pound at a flea market. He is almost immediately pestered by multiple people who want the ship really badly. Smelling a good story he does some research, learning of Sir Francis Haddock and the lost treasure of the Unicorn. But he back home and find his flat ransacked, the model ship gone. But the thieves don’t have what they want, so they kidnap him and sail off with him. But with the help of his dog Snowy, he escapes, and finds the last descendent of Sir Francis Haddock. Together they escape and set off to find the lost treasure of the Unicorn.

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Movie Review DDDOS


A brutal virus sweeps through Scotland. In a panic, the British quarantine the entire north, leaving the people to die. But three years later the Reaper virus comes back, this time in the cramped slums of London, now behind dikes to hold back the rising sea. A team of commandos heads into the quarantine zone to search for the notes of the doctor who was on the verge of a cure. But it’s a race against time, and if they don’t get the cure quickly London will be flooded to contain the spread.

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Dream SO

I’m coming back to work from China Express and I see Tall Needle talking to two very pretty black women outside the office building. I want to know if it’s possible to beat someone to death with a lady’s boot. I go up to the ladies and say hello to Tall Needle, and she introduces me to the other women. I am forced to engage with some small talk with them before I can ask about the beating me to death with their boots. As I ask the question I check out their boots, which all have big, clunky soles and heels, not the spiked heels I was expecting. Tall Needle makes a lame excuse and leaves without answering the question. I talk to the two black ladies for a little while and head back into the office.

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Amalgamation OOOO

Okay, yeah, I haven’t posted in days. There’s a couple of reasons for that.

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